What Does a Lead Dog Do?
In a dog sled team the lead dog is in charge of the front of the team. A great lead dog will not get distracted while running and they can ignore a crowded street during the ceremonial start of Iditarod or a group of people standing in their way while shooting footage for a television show. This is not a position for dominance but rather a position of responsibility – they have the job to make sure their teammates keep moving forward. Learn more https://www.ravenox.com/collections/mfp-rope
They will listen to their musher’s voice commands such as “Gee” to turn right or “Haw” to turn left and they are responsible for taking the team across open lakes and fields. They are also responsible for navigating the trails in Alaska’s wilderness.
“In the Lead: Understanding the Dynamics of the Human-Dog Relationship and How to Lead Effectively
There are many famous lead dogs such as Togo and Batlo who were part of the 1925 serum run to Nome or the countless Iditarod race winners like Granite and Silver.
A lead dog’s job is not an easy one. They have to work hard, they often get a lot of dirt in their face and they need to be good at following commands. They must also have the patience to deal with a cranky or stubborn musher who may need to make adjustments in speed and direction.
Lead poisoning is most common in dogs who ingest it orally but it can also be absorbed through the skin or inhaled. Puppies and young adult dogs prone to chewing on new objects or exploring renovation sites where layers of old lead paint or plaster are unearthed can be particularly vulnerable to lead poisoning. If you think your dog has ingested lead seek veterinary attention immediately.